Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Of Fist and Foot?

I've been learning martial arts for quite a number of years now but my improvements well not as good as it used to be... my training are getting tougher and yet the way I'm using the art is getting dense right now... no more changes and daring acts... To a martial artist, we always strive to improve ourselves... as we get up to the higher levels we seemed to be improving at a very slow pace... lucky enough if you have any improvements...

Just like many masters would have tell me... Now that the art became dense and the cup is to full, the only way is to empty it and then improvements can take place... it will simply means that to step out of the comfort zone and try to evaluate the usefulness of the practice then to improve the training as well as yourself...

I made a lot of searches over the Internets... into forums, blogs, web pages... well, there is nothing much actually. It seems that it is not the training or the physical that needed to be improved... It is the heart... I need to fill it with burning passions like I use to have when I just started...

The fist will now have to fuse with the passionate heart in order to take it to next level... For now, I'll just think of the reasons that I first started martial arts and then I'll soar up in the sky again (hopefully, ;-P)

That's Right!!!

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

The Return of The Meowth

At last, I'm back from the pits of so call Hell and back to life... What can I say, I've been into many situations that made me think about life as a whole... Life still goes on no matter if you're up or down... Time passes and it doesn't even give a damn if you are dangling idle... What's more important then to have fun? For me it's nothing...

Making money to have fun but not to forget to have fun while making money... Meowth's Style...

Anyway, time shows everything you need to see... even if you don't want to see it... Just like if the friendship you having now is genuine or just people making use of you... or relationship that you are having is worth having faith upon... Time just show you what it want you to know or to see... you can't do anything to it but just to make it as a leson for your future...

I've been in Ups and Downs, but now I'm back again writting my comment on peoples, places, events or things that I might be disgusted or totally crazed about... Back to the way of the Emolectrifying Route... Hoping to write something interesting that worth reading in the near future... maybe... maybe not... haha... who knows?

Meowth... That's Right...